Locations and dates are detailed below:
Wednesday 25th April – Novotel - Stansted CM24 1SF 9:30am-16:00pm
Thursday 3rd May - Clarion Cedar Court Hotel - Wakefield WF4 3QZ 9:30am-16:00pm
Thursday 10th May - Marriott Hotel - Leicester LE19 1SW 9:30am-16:00pm
This year we have over 500 new lines from some very exciting new brands - all of which will be available for you to see and taste at the shows - along with plenty of brands which you already know, who will be showcasing their new products!
At each show our team will be there ready to answer any questions you may have, and give you any help you may require when selecting your Christmas 2018 range. We will also be available to take your Christmas order on the day if you have already finalised your range.
If you wish to attend one of our Roadshow dates - please register using this link https://goo.gl/forms/io1ygYooSl65IsKj1!
We can't wait to see you all!